DadPicker: The Instructional Video Series, Volume 1

Well here we are.

This is the debut video for a new series from the gang at The Talk Shoppe. My current plan is to utilize what is covered in this video to whip together some shows centered around selecting old games at random. The reason for this is: if The Talk Shoppe wants to be taken seriously as a games “””journalism””” outlet, we’ll need to play some serious catchup (this seems like the quickest way). Just like real games “””journalists”””, I will be basing my scores entirely on what I experience in couple of minutes I commit to playing any one game.

In all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, feel free to subscribe to our new YouTube channel (don’t forget to SMASH that God-forsaken bell) and share this video around with your friends if you think they’ll get a kick out of it. You’re continued support of our dumb little Pod is, as always, massively appreciated.

Author: Tom